Two years of freelance experience. Creating 3D models for individual projects, NFTs, and printable models. Skilled at blender sculpting, texturing, and modeling. Ready to pickup new software if necessary.

I normally do the following jobs:
1. 3D Character Modeling - Creating high-quality characters with clean retopology and easy rigging.
2. Architectural visualization for residential and commercial interiors and exteriors. 
3. Game 3D Assets for Unity or NFT (weapons, vehicles, furniture, trees, rocks, etc)
4. Furniture Modeling and Rendering - For website publishing and content updates using 3D renders.
5. Product modeling and rendering, including still 3D pictures for mock-ups and final presentations.
5. 3D Content Creator for Business People. 

not set
3D ModelingBlenderSketchAdobe Photoshop
Aliaga, Nueva Ecija
Joined on Jun 2024